From "Mobile Suit Victory Gundam," the highly anticipated V2 Gundam has been released as an MG Ver.Ka [Master Grade Version Katoki]! This model masterfully balances the complex mechanics of separation, transformation, and combination with its compact and curved design.
Curved Body Design:
- The main body showcases a rounded form with a distinctive "V" shaped chest.
- The Minovsky Drive Unit is positioned on the back, with the beam covers capable of opening and closing.
Sleek Head Unit:
- The head unit is designed with a streamlined top camera, and the side ducts are smoothly integrated.
- Includes a precision shooting device with detailed parts, despite their small size.
Separation, Transformation, and Combination Mechanics:
- The model includes the V2 Core Fighter, V2 Top Fighter, V2 Top Rim, and V2 Bottom Fighter.
- These components can be separated, transformed, and combined.
- The V2 Top Fighter can also be equipped with a beam rifle.
Gimmick-Packed Weapons:
Beam Rifle: The lower barrel can be switched between a multiple launcher and a grenade launcher. It also has a gimmick where sensors are exposed on both sides during precision shooting.
Beam Saber: The beam saber can be stored in the elbow unit, and a fan-shaped effect part is included.
Beam Shield: The base swings to recreate the beam shield's deployment, and the clear beam effect is holographically processed.
- Comes with figures of Uso and Marbet in pilot suits, as well as a standing Shakti.
Water Transfer Decals:
- Water transfer decals are included to decorate the MS body and weapons.
Included Weapons:
- Beam Rifle
- Beam Shield
- Beam Saber